Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Entry #4: The Turkey Factor

Hello e-world. Thanksgiving is almost upon us. And as such, first off I'd like to thank all of you who read my blog because...basically, you're AWESOME! This is a great time of the year to get all those "yeah I feel that way, but find it awkward to say it in public" sort of things off your chest. Now, I'm not talking about finally telling someone that they just annoy the crap out of you and that their breath smells like rancid meat. No no, not anything mean like that. I am talking about saying something nice to someone like, "Thanks for being there for me." or "Thanks for being a good friend." or the even more popular, "Thanks for helping me make that meatloaf, it was delish."

My e-people, (not to get all metaphysical and sentimental) we need to say thanks to others a lot more often. If you hadn't noticed, the world is full of a lot of downright ugly, nasty things. A little "thanks" can go a long way in curing some of the world's ills.

Now back to the subject of Thanksgiving. This holiday, I will be going to a buffet. Yes, you read it right, a BUFFET. Now I know that in many ways, an ordinary thanksgiving meal in the home could easily be called a buffet and no one would even bat an eye at it. BUT...this is a HUGE buffet, the kind that makes emperors look like well, imperial. In an attempt to amuse myself, and those with which I will be attending this buffet with, I am going to eat as much as is humanly possible for me to do. Now, for those who know me, I am not exactly the "all you can eat, therefore you eat it all" sort of dude. But, my goal is to defeat the long-reining champion, my Father. Now once again, if you know me, then you'd know this is a truly heroic attempt. But I am determined to achieve "Turkey-Man-of-the-Year 2009." Then, as any good champion will do, I will gloat about it until the day I die. It's only fair.

As a means of equipping myself, I encourage those of you to leave comments cheering me on in my attempt to devour enough dead carcasses to fill a small volkswagon Beetle.


Say thank you a lot, but not like a robot.

(Domo-origato, Mr. Roboto. I know, I know. It's a bit of a stretch.)

Happy Thanksgiving.

P.S. Oh, and pork away!

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