Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Entry #1: The Love Affair with my Keyboard...

Hello everyone! (and by everyone I mean whoever happens to find this while randomly looking through Blogger, which more than likely means your bored out of your skulls.)


Back to the greetings...Now where were we? Ah yes...

Hello everyone!

This is the love affair with my keyboard, namely, my shout out against the tyrannies of society, my sword of the internet, my weapon of mass-destruction, my electronic weapon of choice, my excaliber, the mighty all-powerful Blog! (Cowering in abject fear is highly suggested, if not only for dramatic effect, it boost my somewhat inflated ego)

Reader be warned, you'll find no smiley faces here! I don't believe in being "cute" nor do I believe in writing down a load of gobbledy-gook (that IS a real word, trust me) for people to get that warm fuzzy feeling that seems to be so elusive in this thing we call life. Oh no! I believe in saying what you think, and being witty while doing it. And you don't like it, well tough! Because I'll keep fighting till my last breath, for the most sacred honor that is bestowed upon *gets on soapbox* all truly great men. The power to influence society to do what they most righteously have...been....denied...*looks around*...oh, sorry...*steps down* err...this is sorta...*picks up soapbox and hands it to Jimmy as he passes by* thanks Jimmy...awkward? *sighs*

Anywho, in all seriousness, this is for having a hoot to read, nothing more, nothing less.

I also leave something for you to do everyday. Sort of my, "good thing I did today" bit.


Have a hoot, but don't pollute.

Until next time, enjoy life people.

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