Saturday, January 30, 2010

Entry #8: Ok, So I Dropped the Ball...

Hello E-World, it's been a while. A long, long while.

As you might be able tell, I've opened up the comments and the ability to view my blog for everyone. So, to all you newcomers out there who happen to stumble on this humble little blog, welcome!

Ok, so onto the entertaining bit of the post:

People of America, I officially want to go on record as being "so angry I can't even see straight." Why, you ask? Well it's only two most ill-gotten words to ever have been put together to form one horrible abomination of an idea...even worse than the ideas of communism, political correctness, and spam. I'm talking about the worst idea in the 21st century. Yep, it's universal healthcare.

  If I were to rate how bad this idea was, I would deem it impossible to do so because it was actually proposed as something to rate. Every time I hear those words, I literally get shivers down my if they're evil voodoo words to invoke wrath upon you enemies. Actually...that's a good idea...


I would enforce universal healthcare upon all terrorists, and terrorist supporting governments and countries. Due to the gigantic financial burden that is caused by such a system, they will inevitably collapse into revolt and civil war. All the terrorists would die, and we'd be left without a doubt about how awful the system truly is. Case closed. Oh and the best bit, no one has to bother with those messy nukes.

Usually, I don't go political on my blogs. BUT, this was such a big deal, that I just had to. There's not one single person in this country that shouldn't be up in arms over it. And if you're not, then logic concludes you must be a which, you have my deepest condolances.


Make someone's dream come true, give them a hug or two. ( I was going to say "don't give them swine flu", but that's a dead horse).

Laterz, E-World.

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