Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Entry #7: Will Computers Ever Be Smarter Than People?

A valid question, and yet so easily answered. The long version: "Never in a million years." Short version: "No." 

How could anyone ever think of ever considering the possibility of this ever happening? Clearly, they must be the few people who don't use Microsoft Windows on a regular basis. Or use any computers at all for that matter.

Computers are stupid. Very very stupid. They only do what you/someone else tells them to do. Nothing more. The notion of A.I. is in my opinion almost laughable. I am going to take a hard amd firm stance on this one. There will NEVER be any computers that can think independently apart from human intervention. It's not possible. And claming that it is possible is like trying to claim that zebras aren't black and white. So unless any of you in the e-world are familiar with a particular breed of purple zebras that I am currently unaware of, I think you understand my position.

 I will say that the idea of A.I. certainly makes for good science fiction. 2001: A Space Odessey is clear proof. The classic line, "I'm sorry, I can't do that Dave," need not even be mentioned. H.G. Wells' War of the Worlds is also a classic piece of literature that sort of touches on that idea.

I classify A.I. in the same group as Time Travel, Teleportation, Telepathy, Telekenisis, and any other Tele's I didn't otherwise mention. It's in that weirdy pardoxical spacey sort of category.


Give others some hope, please wash with soap.


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